Fun Facts about Your Cat’s Sleeping Patterns

There are times where it seems your cat gets up for the day- just to take another nap. The truth is, your cat isn’t being lazy they just have a very different set of sleeping patterns compared to humans. In an evolutionary light, cats as predators needed a lot of energy to stalk and hunt… Read more »

Cat Myths Debunked

Our furry pals are family members and we adore them. Cats are especially singular in their behaviors, and still have a bit of the wild in them. A lot of people who have cats think they are unpredictable and inscrutable, and there are a lot of myths surrounding the house cat that just aren’t true…. Read more »

Why Your Cat Needs a Scratching Post

You love your cat. And he loves you. But it is important to keep in mind that he is descended from the large cats – lions, cheetahs, tigers – which climb trees and require sharp, long claws for traction.  They also use the trees as scratching posts. Your cat has no need for such traction,… Read more »