Category: Information about Cats

Kittens or Cats: What’s Best for Your Golden Years?

Many cat owners will tell you that owning a feline friend during your golden years makes life that much brighter. Some of the benefits of owning these furry friends are that they lower stress and anxiety, offer companionship, and are generally low maintenance pets. So, when choosing between kittens or cats, which should you choose?… Read more »

Researchers May Have Found a New Species of Fox-Like Cats

In the remote forests of Corsica, a French island, researchers believe they have found a new species of fox-like cats. Locals call the animals ghattu volpe, or “cat foxes.” They’re slightly larger than the average house cat, and have two to four rings on their tails that end in a black tip. The elusive animals… Read more »

Why do House Cats Have Slit Pupils?

Have you ever admired your cat’s eyes and wondered why their pupils look like narrow slits rather than round circles like ours? If you’ve visited the zoo recently or caught a wildlife show on TV, you may have even noticed that big cats like lions and tigers don’t have slit pupils either. So why do… Read more »

Speaking Cat – Translating Your Cat’s Mews, Meows and Mewls

“Oh, if only she could talk!” How many times have you said that about your feline friend? The truth is that your cat talks to you all the time, but you just don’t speak the same language. While you might have dismissed the sounds your cat makes as meaningless, a recent article in Better Homes… Read more »

Allergies: What Can Affect Your Cat?

While you may know about people being allergic to cats, you may not know about the different allergies that cats can have to the work around them. Although not all cats will experience allergies in their lifetime, all cats can be at risk for developing them. Allergy symptoms typically appear in cats after exposure to… Read more »

Five Most Common Cat Health Concerns

Your cat is a part of your family and just like your other family members, you will want to keep him or her happy and healthy. No matter your cat’s age, it is important to be aware of the symptoms your cat may display when his or her health is in jeopardy. With February being… Read more »